Abstract submission
- Abstract submission will be only electronic by the link below
- Please pay careful attention to the instructions on formatting as this is crucial to final appearance of the abstract book.
- You will be asked to upload a non-blinded (with authors) and blinded (without authors) form of your abstract for abstract book and selection respectively. Examples available on links below
- The author is responsible for editing the abstract.
- Abstracts without data will not be considered.
- Abstracts will be published online (password protected) and available to registered delegates at the time of the meeting.
- Submitting an abstract does not constitute or guarantee registration; abstract acceptance/ rejection will be notified by May 30th 2025.

Oral Presentation
- Presentations must be created in PowerPoint, format 16:9.
- 10 minutes for presentations with 5 minutes for questions (toal 15 minutes). Very important to keep time schedule!
- We prefer that you send us your presentation at the latest the day before the planned session. To allow upload of slides, we will add the link to the RCPSG av team closer to the meeting
- If you need to submit a late revised version of your presentation (USB stick), this should be done the day before or at the latest the same day of presentation before 08:30 at the speaker/technicians lounge.
- Technicians will be present and responsible for all technology during the lectures.
- No personal laptops may be used as it may not be compatible with the equipment on site.
- You will be able to see your own notes in PP on the computer at stage; but not on the screen below reflecting what is shown on the wall.

Poster Sessions
Posters will be displayed on electronic poster boards in three parallel sessions on both days.
As in previous years there will be guided poster discussions and you should be prepared to present your poster for 3 minutes with 2 minutes discussion.
Instructions for submission of electronic posters will follow.
to be confirmed